Forum about the art in generanl, fantastic painting, drawing, cinema, visual arts, scene arts, videos games, links Artist painter of fabrics fantastic, surrealist, erotic, oil painting blog about michele vincent's painting, surrealist, erotic, fantasy art, oil painting and drawing

Toplist directory of virtual galleries, museums, painters websites, links, webring

VERTICAL ? Sculpture v?g?tale contemporaine
Vertical (Alban Lanore & Nanou Grimault) r?alise des sculptures contemporaines ? partir d'?l?ments v?g?taux (bois morts, lianes, souches?) qu?ils r?coltent en for?t Amazonienne. Atelier situ? au Viaduc des Arts ? Paris.
Carol lavoie
Sculptures peintures gouadesgrav anthropogravures et texte d'alain Lesti
Art by Johan Jonsson: Junk art sculptures
Contemporary sculptures in metal & mixed media. Junk art sculpture - the official site of outsider artist J. Jonsson.
WELA (Elisabeth Wierzbicka) artiste peintre, sculpteur, fait la peinture, des dessins et des installations monumentales, qui empruntent les surfaces, volumes et mat?riaux ? la peinture et ? la sculpture contemporaine.
Terres et Lumi?res
Terres et Lumi?res est mon site officiel d'artiste sculpteur et c?ramiste d'art dans lequel je pr?sente une r?trospective des oeuvres les plus significatives r?alis?es au cours de ces dix derni?res ann?es .
Animal Sculpture and Figures in bronze -Jonathan K
Animal Sculpture by Jonathan Knight. Sculptures and figures in bronze. Equine sculptures of horses and jockeys. Limited Editions - Numbered Editions - Commissions
Mixed media & metal sculpture by J Jonsson
Contemporary junk art sculpture. The official homepage of outsider artist Johan Jonsson. sculpture metal.htm
wood sculptures by Murat Guzeldere
L'Espace arc en ciel, la maison des amis.
L'Espace arc en ciel, la maison des amis, Franck Poupel sculpteur ? Maussane les Alpilles, ?nerg?tique des min?raux, divers.
Milan's Sculpture
An Online Gallery of Milan Sengupta's SCULPTURE & CHALK SCULPTURE of realistic portraits ,figures & compositions including nudes & seminudes and more....
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