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Bronze Sculpture by Judy Nordquist
The finest images of horses are bronze sculptures by the internationally renowned Judy Nordquist. Her magnificent bronze sculptures adorn palaces and residences across the world.
Andrew Abramov's web page
Andrew Abramov. Realistic figurative paintings, cityscapes and landscapes in oil, tempera and watercolor by Russian artist living in Shreveport, LA.
hubert lopez heredia a unique vision in the creat
HUBERT LOPEZ HEREDIA Figurative at his beginnings, he is direc- ted little by little towards the abstract ex- pressionnism then towards to the informal art which allures he by his spontaneousness and to which there adapts new techniques to it but always while remaining faithful to pure Painting like dye. In 1972, he gives rise to new techniques of or he becomes the inventor, yes the inventor of the floral abstraction, pic- torial movement. He deposits a patent which he obtains on this date. In his fabric, the trajectory of the plastics technician is spontaneous, and intima- tely binds randomly projection, one deeply perceives this spontaneous force of violence in the form and the color which exceeds the limits of the fabric and which contrasts with the softness of the theme of the floral art.
Linda Paul Studio
Bas-relief & egg tempera original art paintings by Linda Paul! Limited edition prints of Italian art & French country wall decor.
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