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Toplist directory of virtual galleries, museums, painters websites, links, webring

Atelie for traditional Byzantine art. frescoes ico
Icons & wall-paintings (frescoes) based on the tradition of the Orthodox Byzantine Art with strong personal touch of the artist Sotirios Panailidis.In his work, he tries to find the well-balanced harmony between the Byzantine Orthodox Art and his personal expression
L'oro di Attilio Nebuloni pittore
Cenni biografici e galleria di opere del pittore Attilio Nebuloni
Adoperando i fiori come luminosa metafora di sensazioni e silenzi, di sentimenti e malinconie, del tempo che passa e del mutar delle cose. Vivi,
dutch artist exhibit the paintings online
Ethereal Art
Archetypal and symbolic oil paintings and prints by award winning artist Marcia Snedecor.
Jaroslaw Miklasiewicz - painting
Not ordinary paintings about an ordinary day. Virtual gallery.
Surreal painting by Zoran Zugic
Surreal painting by artist painter Zoran Zugic
Poetic Symbolism in Paintings by Predrag Ciric
Discovering permanently different aspects of beauty corresponding to the ancient times and giving them the new modern reality, the artist painter Ciric is looking in his work for character of the universal, confirming on this way that the beauty is in fact only the one.
Nick Danilov - The Artist Portfolio
Creative work by artist painter Nick Danilov is represented by his paintings, acrylic on canvas, mixed media on canvas, book illustrations, created in decorative style, while the subject of his pieces remains the same - beautiful feminine forms through the poetic expression of human passion.
Mihailo Petkovic - The Artist
Abstract painting by Mihailo Petkovic, oil on canvas, artist flash portfolio - virtual gallery.
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