Nature, beautiful and wild, birds have inspired me to draw, then to paint. Over the years, I scribbled then drew my first flowers and, later, my first horse.I visited museums, galleries. But I was directed to quite a different thing that painting.
During my studies in the Fine arts, I specialized in advertising and illustration.Over the years, I took up my paint brushes.I have never studied painting, I learned on my own.
I like Salvador Dali and Leonor Fini 's paintings ; comic strip ; literature : Edgard Poe, Lautréamont ; fantasy movies : the Lord of rings ; classical music : Purcell, Beethoven ; rock and Dire Streat ; poetry : Baudelaire, Verlaine.
I painted with water then, one day, I have begun myself in oil painting, slowly, with my rhythm.
I have exhibited all over the world. There are the rewards, personal exhibitions, directories and today all that we can see on
Among the artists who have influenced me, there are the painters Verlinde, Suidmak, Valentine Hugo, Gustave Doré.
The writing of " A never-ending story " has supported some ideas for my paintings but any never will be born, as too dark or too crazy ideas, a video game.........but this is another story.
I met interesting people : the painter Kazimierz Dzyga, the poet Lionel Stacul de Martinis.
My grandfather, Louis Vincent, always backed me up.
I thank all people who helped me and those who created me troubles : it learns to fight.
Michèle Vincent